This contest is open to all in Millville!
Ginger Bread Houses can be no larger than 18 inches by 18 inches. There is an adult category, youth category and a business one.
The houses must be dropped off between Nov. 27th and 30th to the Riverfront Renaissance Center for the Arts, 22 N. High Street. They will be placed in several shops, galleries and eateries.
A list will be published with all of the locations. Vote for your favorite by visiting the shops and dropping your ballot in an entry container.
Voting begins on Dec. 1st and ends on Dec. 9th (during Soul of the Season event). The winners will be notified by Dec. 12th and will remain on display through Dec. 15th (Third Friday).
Prizes: Adult - Large Gift Basket
Youth - Levoy and Movie Tickets
Business - Bragging Rites!
Click the links below the photo and download Rules and Registration Form.
856-293-0556 OR 856-327-4500